A Funny but Strategic Explanation of FOMO and FUD In Cryptp´s : Steem, Bitcoin, EOS , Bitconnect et al

I am bullish on steem and its ecosystem and love cryptocurrencies a lot- thus will stay in the space no matter the lies haters are spreading against the space . These lies (see my former post for details) are due to mostly central governments, banks and some big industrialist’s being afraid of losing their control over our money and life (which they have always controlled) hence why they united to spread lies and fud against bitcoin , ethereum, steem et al- which in return lead to panic selling as indicated in coinmarket cap

How do we proceed with all these daily uncertainties?

First I start by having a big laugh via John Oliver´s comedy explaining Cryptos : Bitconnect, EOS, Bitcoin, Fomo, Fud et al, watch the video below and have a laugh which is good for your health


Calm Down: Normal human nature will be to panic and sell off all your cryptos at a huge loss. Do not do it because whatever goes down will come up and vice versa. In fact steem is a solid long term investment, so buy low now and HODL (make sure that you take some profits when price increases). Importantly, remove emotions (because it leads to FUD) and greed which are ingredients of failure in the space. Moreover see this cheap price as a good opportunity to change fiat and buy steem and power up -which is a top investment opportunity with good return of investment in the long run.

Patience: Patience is the key to making supernormal profits in the crypto space. So now is the time to buy cheap undervalued tokens and if you already have some (through diversification) then Hodl and avoid paying much attention to fuders/haters who spread fear in the crypto space in order to crash the price and thus buy cheap cryptos for themselves.
In addition, let us use this period to dump fake/scam projects ( without any visible teams and real locations) and thus help the crypto space to be more clean.

Click here and read my former post:Warning: Warning: IMF Boss Warns of Crypto´s Evil Side : Money laundering, terrorism, and economic instability.

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