🏄Great Surfers of the Bible🏄

Undoubtedly, God has a sense of humor...

Why else would He arrange for a donkey to make an ass of Balaam? And, what about that skinny kid who toppled "Hulk" Goliath, the giant Philistine champion, maybe the biggest "bad ass" soldier ever? Then there's my all-time favorite, where God is seen laughing His head off at earthly "rulers" in Psalm Chapter Two.

And so, with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek, I'd like to share this collection of "surfing greats" with you.

Who are some of the Greatest Surfers of the Old Testament?

If we read The Real Bible, the Authorized King James Version, we can learn this important truth in the following passages.

Bible Humor

Bible Humor
Photo courtesy of Ben White and http://unsplash.com

Note: For your benefit and convenience, my dear reader,

I have "hot-linked" each of the references cited below to their corresponding rendering according to King Jimmy...

We read about the great surfer, Isaac, in Genesis 26:13.

Jehoshaphat, that amazing surfer, is spoken of in II Chronicles 17:12.

Mordecai, man of honor and surfer extraordinaire, is described in Esther 9:4.

Can you see it, brothers and sisters?

We know that all three of these Bible Heroes must have been great surfers, because we are told that they "waxed great," or "waxed greater and greater," or even that they "waxed exceedingly great."

Hmmmm, I wonder if they used Sticky Bumps or that other (Unmentionable Name Brand) surf wax?

God Made an Ass out of Balaam

God Made an Ass out of Balaam
Photo courtesy of Annie Spratt and http://unsplash.com

In the New Testament,

the title "Greatest Surfer of All Time" belongs, without any question whatsoever, to Jesus Himself. We read that Jesus walked on water.

"And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear. But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid." - Matthew 14:25-27

(When was the last time you stood up on a wave without a board?)

We know that Peter was a fairly good surfer, too.

He walked on water like Jesus did, although Peter wiped out pretty quickly.

Bible Humor

Bible Humor
Photo courtesy of Ben White and http://unsplash.com

There are other surfers of note in scripture.

These would include the scholarly and accomplished Apostle Paul, along with many of his traveling companions.

In Acts 27:39-44 we learn that, after their shipwreck, quite a few of them surfed to shore on boards and on assorted broken pieces of the ship. We surfers are creative like that; in the absence of a "regulation board," we will surf on anything available.

Angry Waves

Angry Waves
Photo courtesy of Tim Marshall and http://unsplash.com

When I’m out there riding the waves and I get in trouble,

I’m sure glad that I can turn to Jesus (like Peter did,) and cry out "Lord, save me!"

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This post is intended to count towards @dragosroua's Challenge30.

I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about all of them.
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