Wife Codes - What we are really saying to our Husbands!


An oldie of ours before kids!

Hey ladies! I don’t know about you but after 11 years of marriage sometimes I sit back and laugh at myself. I have noticed over the years I have created a wife code that my husband has picked up on and learned to understand. Sometimes we as wives say things to our husbands that have a secret message behind them. I thought it would be fun if I shared mine and also to ask you ladies to share any of yours that you can think of. Husbands, if you are tuning in you can share the codes you have picked up on from your wives!

Here we go...I’ll write 10 things that I say to my husband and then tell you what they “really” mean in bold lol!

1 . Are you hot? You need the fan on?

I’m hot please turn the fan on for me.

2 . Oh no I forgot to put the load in the dryer.

Please put the load in the dryer.

3 . Are you going to be on that game all night?

You bet not be on that game all night!

4 . Looks like the kids are hungry again.

It’s your turn to feed the kids!

5 . My feet have been so sore lately.

I need you to rub my feet.

6 . Doesn’t ice cream sound really good right now?

Please make a store run for some ice cream.

7 . I’m fine.

I am so frustrated.

8 . No, I don’t mind.

Don’t even think about it!

9 . I accept your apology.

I’m still mad.

10 . I know you’re tired, I can drive.

I’m really tired, please say you got it.

So those are the top 10 things I can think of that I notice myself still coding. Thank goodness most of the time I am direct with him and just say what I mean. But from time to time I notice myself using these codes in hopes that he will read between the lines! 😄

Okay ladies, I know I’m not the only one!! What are your codes?

Thanks for reading!




Huge shoutout to @rigaronib for creating my logo/banner!!! He was so awesome to work with and as you can see he produces great results!!!! Thank you!!!

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