Tree Tuesday ~ Desert Movie By Hollywood -- Parking Lot Design By Dr. Seuss ~ Original Photography and Short Discussion ~

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The Lorax and Louis B. Mayer Would Be Proud

I love the fact that whoever owns this parking lot, decided to spruce it up a bit with these lovely tall trees. No doubt planted with loving care by someone many years ago. Yet placed all by themselves, and perched right in the center, and only in the center, of this barren property.

Seven lonely trees, which appear to be a Dr. Seuss/Grinch-Science cross between a cedar and an arborvitae, with possibly a bit of redwood thrown in for good measure. (Literally). Seven hopeful trees, stuck into the middle of this ugly asphalt and concrete city-scape.

A small oasis of pleasurable green, surrounded by an asphalt desert. At first glance out the window of my car at speed, they reminded me of a movie or two from the 1960's, streamed over the airwaves and into my antennae on the ME! channel of my TV. Those classic desert-adventure movies of old.

These epics always seem to center around the puzzling search for the singular and tiny, green oasis of life. Mysteriously placed 'who-knows-where ' in the vast desert stretch beyond. And always surrounded by a small grove of lovely palm trees, beckoning the weary desert traveler to the only place for miles and miles and miles around that contains the well-water of life.

I half expected to see a fully-garbed Omar Sharif or Peter O'Toole step out from behind the grove at any second, leading a couple of camels on tether, or maybe even both of these great's, cast together in a TRUE Epic.

Once they emerge from behind our evergreens, they take a look around at the city, shake their heads in dis-belief, then head over to Vern's Second Hand Emporium, off to camera right. If only life imitated the silver screen. Or at least the 42" Samsung in my bedroom.

But alas, it does not. No one emerged from behind the green island the whole time I was there. Let alone a cool camel or two. The trees just sat there, as trees do, in the waning alpenglow of the evening, beckoning no one at this time of day, from anywhere.

I am sure that on a blazing-ly hot summer day, heat shimmering up from the asphalt in waves much like the Sahara sands, these trees DO beckon weary travelers. Or at least weary car-parker's.

The secret is to get to the lot first, and park the sedan in the 12m² area first, so that you get at least an hour or two of respite from the heat of the daytime sun. Good luck on that. I'm sure in mid-August, this little grove of trees is very popular. At least the Northeastern side is. There's room for at least 2 or 3 cars over there. Four if one is a compact.

~ Finto ~

Thanks for stopping in and viewing the seven Seuss trees of the asphalt desert. If you have any thoughts about trees, parking lots, Dr. Seuss, old desert movies, or anything else this post reminds you of, feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

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