If you haven't been living under a rock, you probably have heard of Fidget spinners. You most likely own one too? Maybe? No? That's alright.
So Fidget Spinners are supposed to be a stress relieving toy. The spinner apparently helps people with ADHD, autism, or anxiety to stop fidgeting. Yes, that's where the name comes from. Not everyone is sure about the benefits though, and it simply feels like a distraction. The toy usually consists of a bearing at the center, with either two or three parts around it.
All you have to do is spin it and you get some kind of sensory feedback from the center-pad. It is fun, and you can do a lot of other cool things with it too, apart from just spinning it. Because you know, Fidget Spinners are awesome, duh!
Here are some of the things you can do!
You can spin it forward
You can spin it backward
You can use it as a Ninja Star and throw it at bad people
You can use it to blend really soft food
You can use it as a strobe light by spinning it and placing it in front of a light source
You can use it to draw a flower with three petals
You can use it as a propeller for a mini Helicopter
You can use it as a ceiling fan for really tiny people or rats
You can stick it on your cars wheels and tell people you've got them spinners!
You can use it as a..ummmm
Okay, I was kidding.
Fidget spinners aren't that useful and it will probably only just distract you. But they aren't that expensive and they are kind of fun to play with, for a bit. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to play with my Fidget Spinner!
Thanks to Nigahiga for these ideas!