Bloody fight against ruthless mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are back and they have no mercy this time!

They are organized as army. Some are watching the walls, some are patrolling in the air. They have high - tech military equipment for night operations. And they have a plan to destroy the human kind! Their tactics include blood sucking, stinging, buzzing and not allowing enemies to sleep. Some of them are twice bigger than last night, thanks to the blood of my wife and me! I couldn't sleep all night and I slapped myself for a hundred times because a bloody mosquito landed on me and started to drill his drillhole.

This will be a bloody war!

This is the moment when a man becomes a true hero and tries to do his best to protect his home and family. There is no true warrior without proper weapon, so I prepared my equipment for this stubborn struggle! Chemical weapons!

I have to be careful with this strong chemicals because of my wife's pregnancy!

Let's try good old "manual way" of fighting mosquitoes!

After that, I'll definitely have to paint my walls.

So, I turned to a war scientist and made an ultimate weapon! Fire weapon! I tested it before and now is the best time to make some real killings with it! All I need is a deodorant and a lighter!

And burn them all!!!

WARNING: Do not try this near the curtains!

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