careless idiot
as she descends
wings wide, unbend
then she smiles
a spark shines,
quickly snubbed.
spark nonetheless
look at her smile
doesn't she riles,
the red in peace?
doesn't her face
echoes with grace
and for a while
the swinging bass
skip a beat?
Careless smiles
like that is crime
In grim my heart grimes
and I don't have time
for the silly fireworks.
This is my day 68 entry of the 100 days of poetry by @d-pend from SteemitSchool.
If you like what I'm doing here, help me out to get me some visibility and add me to your steemvoter or bring me a @curie vote like at rasamuel@discord
did which @f3nix thought I deserved and supported me through frustration. It's been more than four month of this.