A Phone Call With Grandma

A "That's Not My Cat" Anecdote

I try to speak with my Grandma as frequently as possible. As my life is quite busy and I loathe talking on the phone, even to people I love, my Grandma chats don't happen as often as they should. That said, I enjoy every minute of them when they do occur, and today's interaction contained a relevant to all anecdote:

"Did I tell you about my possum?" Grandma chirped happily into her phone.

"Nope." I replied, interest piqued.

"Well," she began, "You know that cupboard outside of the dining room window? I've been feeding the cats out there because of all of the ice outside. I don't want to trip and have a fall."

"That seems reasonable." I responded with polite interest.

"Yesterday, I opened up that window and put the food out in the bowl, and well, you know I like to give those cats a pet while they are there eating. I was petting Spice's back when I thought to myself that she felt a bit odd." Grandma paused here for dramatic effect. I had already guessed the star of this tale, but it is so much more fun to let the teller of the tale relate the climax of this story.

"It was a darned old possum!" She chortled into the phone, "He just turned around and stared at me, and I stared right back and him. You know those little sticks I keep in the window? I grabbed one of them and bopped him right on the nose. Shame on him for stealing Sugar and Spice's food!" (the cats).

I wish I was more talented in the sketching department, because I can just see Grandma coming after that food stealing possum with a one by twelve inch piece of wood designed to keep people from opening the windows all the way from the outside. It was also amusing to me that she could attribute shame to a hungry creature, but I bet that possum felt a sense of shame as he scuttled away from his free dinner. I mean, Grandma can reduce you to doormat status in the feelings department with one sentence. Or a glance at the wooden spoon.

Moral of this story: Always identify the object of your petting affection. You never know when a possum in cat's clothing can strike!

Additional Picture Tutorial Of Clarification:

This is a cat.

This is not a cat.

Thank you for observing this public service announcement, have a nice evening and Steem on!

As always, images in the post, with the exception of the cited source possum photo, were taken by the author on her non-possum fur covered iPhone.

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