No ideas to ideas - Watuar

Most of the time when I'm feeling artsy, I have no idea what I'm doing. Well, that's not entirely true, I do have an idea what I want to do, but usually the art doesn't go where I thought it would go. I draw some, glue some, copy and paste some, spill all my coffee over things, trip into cats and end up with a mini flamethrower, although I was aiming for a butterfly. Figuratively speaking. But that's OK.


I do have my clear days too. Those days when I remember names, peoples interests. When things go exactly as I planned them to go. No, I do not have any kind of memory disorder. Forgetting names to obvious things is just my thing. "You know the level thinggy thing, usually with four legs that you can put items on or sit around it with your family... Yes! A table! That's it!" That's just my personality. Remembering totally useless things instead of very useful, ordinary things.


So on one of my clear days I wanted to create an automatic thing to tell people how they are. People who like to take tests telling them if they are happy in life, relationship, with work or if they are generally happy with the status quo. That's how Watuar was born.


Of course my opinion is that this is totally hilarious. Because it's so useless. And because it was my idea. I drew the creature and it's expressions but the code for the website was outsourced. If your device doesn't support HTML5, you wont hear what Watuar says. You should. And when you hear Watuar speaking, click, click and click it again. Or refresh.


So here's my sales pitch:

"There is no need to listen to others about how happiness is defined.
No more confusion whether you are happy today because of health, money, family, the extra time, power, sun, looks, holiday, work, nature or animals.
You do not need to ask your friend, mother or even google.
You can figure it out if you are happy or not with a single click.
And if you're not happy, click again!

May I introduce:
Watuar aka WhATyoUARe!"

P.S. You can find Watuar in Indonesia too. :)
Funny coincidence. Nothing else.

Watuar: CC BY-SA

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