The older I get the more I realize I can travel through time.

When you're young it's easy to just focus on what's around you and move forward in life not noticing what's really important.

You don't truly listen to people or spend time thinking about what they're saying.

It rarely occurs to you that the days when you're laughing and having fun with your friends and family are actually going to end.

Heck, most young people don't even think about the fact that they can travel through time back to the beginning of the Roman Empire.

I mean...... really.

Kids should be taught to enjoy the time they have on this Earth.

Instead of focusing on arithmetic and biology in school we should focus on mortality and the fact that time is going to end so forming lasting relationships with other people is extremely important.

Mostly though we should focus on the fact that you can visit the Paleolithic Era and eat dinosaur meat for breakfast.

I still remember when I was in school.

My first girlfriend was a beautiful redhead who was a model.

My friends were jealous because she had a little portfolio she carried everywhere and also because they wanted to have sex with her. Male friends are like that.

She and I used to go everywhere together and I really thought she was my whole world.

It's unfortunate that she was deemed a heretic while we were visiting the Crusades and burned at the stake.

Still, it was quite a worthwhile experience for me.

So I really think today's kids should focus on the fact that relationships end and people die.

We all need to be nice to each other because you never know how long we have on this Earth.

Most importantly though we should focus on protecting the time stream from Travelers that go back in order to change it for their evil and malevolent ends.

I think if kids were focused on this more often then we would all be less likely to miss each other and feel lonely, and also much less likely to be attacked by the Vorgothieen creatures that sleep within the walls of our houses.

Follow me @jeezzle

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