Today at work I saw a ghost near the front entryway and I was actually able to snap a picture of it.

We now have real evidence that ghosts exist.

Pictures inside.

I was as surprised as anyone to find this ghost.


At first I thought it was a figment of my imagination.

So many people claim to see ghosts when in fact they are faking It.

There are dozens of TV shows in which paranormal investigators try to discover ghosts.

Of course those shows are all taking the viewer for a ride in order to get good ratings.

So I can understand that you might be a bit skeptical.

How can you be sure this is a real ghost?

Well I was able to snap two pictures.

Without further ado here is the first of two.

It's kind of hard to make out because it blends in with the shadows.

If you look really closely though you can make out the edges of it in the corner of the pillar.

It was at this point that I got spooked and went inside to find several of my work friends.

When I told them that I saw a ghost they did not believe me.

I wasn't sure that the ghost would still be there if I left but I had to go to try to find someone else.

I needed others to see it to prove I wasn't imagining things.

Everyone was as shocked as I was but there it was in living color.

I was even able to sneak up and get an up close shot.

From this angle it is absolutely terrifying.

You can see the red of his skin in stark contrast to his large white eyes.

I was hoping that he couldn't see me from this viewpoint.

I knew I was taking a risk getting this close but I needed this picture.

After work I went to the library and looked through an old encyclopedia about ghosts.

It seems this particular apparition is named Blinky.

I feel lucky to have escaped with this definitive evidence that ghosts exist.

I hope that I do not see Blinky again for I fear I may not be so lucky next time.

The question now remains....... what will I do with this evidence?

Perhaps I shall write a story about it.

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