#MyRidiculousLifeSeries 1: What I Called my Child in Public 😳

Hey Steemians!

So this morning I had an idea to start a little series, documenting some of the ridiculous things that happen to me (of which there are plenty).

Starting with this unfortunate event...

I was in Taco Bell (no judgements please!) with my soul mate and my kids.

It was hot, it was crowded and I was very, very tired.

Wait, wait... back up.

What you need to know is I pretty much always call my children silly, cutesy poo names. 

Like Pookie. Or Pumpkin. Or Funny Onion. Or Chickadee

Or I'll change their names...

~ Finlay is mostly Finlay McGinley McGoo

~ Oliver is mostly Oli-Bobbinus Prime

~ Harris is most commonly known as Hazzle Bazzle

Mostly I just make stuff up on the spot.

No, I don't know why. And yes, I fully intend to continue doing this until they leave home.

Anyway, back to (the crowded) Taco Bell.

5 year old Hazzle Bazzle had managed to fall over on his way to our table. In proper doting Mum style I threw wide my arms and beckoned him, calling loudly "Oh dear, come here Chick Dick!"


Nooooooooo!!!!! What. Did. I. Just. Say????

The family on the table next to us all turned around to look at me with horror on their faces, and witnessed me turning bright red and mumbling some other cutesy poo names to try and cover up my faux pas.

Needless to say we left shortly afterwards.

Moral of the story: 

Taco Bell is evil and makes you say stupid things. 😂

Cheers guys, Steem on!

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