The Old Dog Presents: Embarrassing Snapshots Frozen in Time

Say cheese: That's the moment that everyone gets ready to look their best. Our eyes are open, we're looking at the camera and no one has their finger cleaning house in the nostril area! We do our best to look our best because we're about to be frozen in time.

The rest of the time, we're blinking, twitching and in general just acting "normal". 

It's no wonder that he can't help his team win!

Frozen in Time at The Wrong Moment

Sometimes I like to freeze frame people that are being filmed in order to capture these "special" moments. In these milliseconds even the most normal and best looking people in the world can look, well, STRANGE!

Here are some shots that I captured of members of my favourite hockey team's players being filmed in interviews. I used these photos in a hockey forum post in order to "explain" their recent losing streak!

Oops! Now that's just plain embarrassing!

This shot should take the mystery out of the latest losing streak!

Did he just skate off of the ice or stagger out of the local pub?

"I don't feel so good!"

Frozen in Micro Seconds of Time We Don't  Always Look Our Best!

Freezing someone in time in a photo can be funny but consider:

  • Do we ever freeze people in time for a past mistake that they've made? 
  • Do we take a snapshot of their personality in a bad moment and use that as our reference point for their character?

I'd like to examine these questions in a future post!

I hope that you enjoyed these frozen moments. 

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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