100 Followers! Hooray!

I recently reached 100 followers and I'm super stoked!

I don't even think I have that many Facebook friends.  

Thank you to all my followers! I hope my posts keep you giggling.

To celebrate, here's a short story about a pig and his bananas.

Chop Chop loves bananas.

Once, when Chops was still a new member to the pack, I snagged a whole bag of bruised bananas for $2 and excitedly came home to give them to my piggy.

If I could have seen his eyes, I'm sure they would have been wide with anticipation. As soon as he smelled them he was grunting and nosing at the bag, trying to push me aside so he could devour them all.

At first, I peeled them and gave him the inside like he was a child, which he snuffled up in seconds. Then I noticed that if I wasn't quick enough peeling the next one, he just ate the skins off the ground. Ew, but whatever.

So thinking I could save some time and gooey banana-hands, I snapped one in half, skin and all, and gave that to him. He spit it out. And then he proceeded to peel the half with his teeth until he could get at the squishy insides which he carefully (albeit messily) pulled out and ate.

And then he ate the skin.

I can’t say as I’ve ever eaten a banana with the skin on, so maybe their two tastes contrast. Maybe the skins aren’t as sweet and he prefers to eat dessert first. He definitely likes chomping on the skins though; they have a cool stringy texture, and they take longer to chew up. Like how you can chew celery for ages and it never seems to change. Maybe banana skins are negative calories for pigs and he chews on them to burn a little fat.

A little later I caught him wandering the yard with half of a peel unknowingly dangling from the side of his mouth and it was so cute I just couldn’t bear to take it out. (And I didn’t want my fingers to replace the peel in his mouth.)

When he went to drink from his tub, it fell out and suddenly it was Christmas for Chop Chop all over again. He snatched it up in a flash and walked off chewing happily.

I had quite a chuckle when I saw that one. I love it when my animals are happy.

As always, thanks for reading! I hope I've made you smile.


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