Meredith is NOT a crazy name unless...

Meredith Loughran snapchat filter

This SnapChat picture makes me laugh every time I see it. LOL

Was I born odd or am I a product of strange circumstances?
Maybe it started with my name!

You tell me.

[Edited with video that doesn't cut out in the center!]

I posted this video a few hours ago and tweaked the Hiding In Plain Sight #hips playlist description as follows:

Anecdotes from my life to help you appreciate yours. Assessed with Asperger's as an adult, I've had a lot of practice observing life forms we call humans and I've got you all fooled into thinking I am one. Joke's on you.

Giving thanks

I know that I'm inundating you guys with my off-Steem projects but please know that I seriously appreciate you. Your comments and feedback are helping me tune-up a passion project that I've had for years but never had any direction until now.

I'm excited and moving full steem ahead because I feel, with all my heart and soul, that I'm doing what I was meant to do...and maybe I will actually earn a living from day. I'm already thinking about a book which I will most likely pre-publish here.

Dare to dream, I say!

image source

Oh, and (un)fortunately...

The video is based on a true story. The struggle is real, y'all!

I will be looking for people to interview in the very near future.

Where you can find me:

Steemit verified merej99, Meredith Loughran

Follow me on Twitter
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