Horse Fucking...

Today's rant…is about those pesky horse fuckers! Yup, apparently there are a lot of them! Seriously, what the fuck gives? What possesses a person to want to fuck a horse? Any animal?! I have never been to a barn, a zoo, or a field and been like…"Geez, that horse is pretty hawt!"

Wouldn't you know it? This dude is in Florida…son of a…….!

Check this out…this dude in Valparaiso which is in the panhandle area of Florida (which is far from me) was caught because the owner noticed there was oil on the horse one night and a handprint.

on April 25, the owner of a female horse at a stable on Valparaiso Parkway, noticed oil on the horse’s rump.
It happened again, this time on June 20 when as well as the oil, there was a clear and visible handprint in it.
A third occasion was a week later with more oil, and this time with a white substance, later identified as semen on the female horse’s vagina area.

Are you shocked yet? You should be. I mean seriously I only hear about shit like this from horror movies & satanic morons. Although…who the hell knows…maybe that's what he is. Maybe he's possessed or just a really lonely son of a bitch. I'm sure he could have gotten a prostitute for cheap somewhere up there, I mean what's the deal?! Stop fucking horses people!


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