Haffanower: All Lit Up (~Mature~ Reader Discretion Advised.)

Haffanower Cover

~Welcome to Haffanower. These are the words you are now reading. This is episode eleven. New here? Spoiler here. I think you'll enjoy this, so please do, but I'd recommend starting at episode one at some point. Some jokes,references and of course the story line depend on previous episodes. Most episodes are short. It should not take long, you'll be entertained along the way and end up right back here. All images are produced by me, of course. Haffanower Episode One.

Last Time
On Haffanower...

Oh, hello, I didn't see you there. My name is Milford Sass. I normally empty the trash cans. I'll be filling in while the usual narrator is on stress leave. Apparently someone pissed in his coffee last time. He's been calling in sick ever since.

I was forced to drink piss once, I too became stressed out after so I can relate. We all hope you get better soon!

Anyway, the show must go on. During the last episode, our heroes took a fast turn straight into the gaze of our local law enforcement. Their car is in terrible shape after an unfortunate incident and I have a strong feeling they're about to be lit up. Frozen in fear is where we find them. Let's see what happens next, shall we!

Act Normal!

Peaches Did you thay polithe!

Haffanower Eyes to the floor my big chocolate whore. You know what I pay you for.

Shut up back there! Be quiet, no sudden movements. I'll just drive normal. See. He won't even notice, he's looking the other way.

Peace Keeper You are doing fine. As soon as you pass him, take your next left and pin it.

Yeah that's a good idea, we have to get the hell out of here. I can't handle this. I need to tell you guys something, it's kind of important.

Peace Keeper Spit it out, we're friends now, I will listen. If you have to cry, it is okay.

Cry? What the hell makes you think I'd want to cry!

Peace Keeper You pissed yourself when the FB Eye felt you up.
I just assumed you were... emotional.

Peaches Ith okay to cry!

Haffanower I was about to pop! Don't you dare stop!

Peaches Thorry thweety!


I don't have to cry! What the fuck is wrong with you guys! Damn!
I was just thinking it's a good time to mention something you all should probably know.

Peace Keeper If you're gay or something like that. We won't judge.

Dammit, PK! I'm not gay! I'm high as fuck on MUSHROOMS!!

Peace Keeper Shhhh! What the hell dude? Your window is down.

Fuck, I think the cop heard!

Copadelic Cop

Shit! He's staring us down. Act normal!

Peace Keeper You act normal. You are driving in the middle of the street.

Fuck! I think he's coming!

We're screwed!


Hi again! It's me, Milford Sass. I don't really know what to say, they didn't give me any lines. Probably something like, "to be continued?" Was that good? Huh? Put the earpiece in? Oh okay! This thing is cool! Do I get a raise?

Stay Tuned.

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