I Refuse to Hold Back On My Talents Just Because the Payouts Seem Low

Enough is enough! I... am an artiste!


Producing poor quality posts to coincide with poor quality payouts is also known as...

Poor Quality Attitude

No Sir, Ma'am, It, These, Those and Them Over There. I, @nonameslefttouse The Writer/Artist Himself, will not be falling into this spiraling death trap of despair. Nope! Not having it!

As an artist only capable of producing the best of the best while all at the same time thinking fuck all the rest, I have a particular standard of quality that must be met at all times. I have an image to maintain. People from all over the world believe in me and have trouble thinking I'm nothing less than the best and I refuse to let my people down!

I've decided, working for money is for chumps! Money can't buy happiness unless the only thing that makes you happy is a new Ferrari, three Vegas hookers and a bag of blow! I don't need any of that shit anymore. Did you know, they keep food in dumpsters behind fancy restaurants like Subway? I swear, it's true! Go have a look for yourselves and dive right in. I'll save you some lobster.

After My Hearty Meal Last Night

I've decided to pull out all the stops and just go for it. I can't let these minor payouts become a major issue while the power of my brand slowly spins around the toilet along with the fiery shits I've been taking all day due to something in the dumpster not being quite as fresh as I thought it was!

In between potty breaks and a few harassing phone calls from my fancy debt collector friends, I managed to find enough time to produce another high quality piece of extravagance known all over the world as my unique style. So without any further delays, I present to you...



It will be here, on display, all week. I do hope you and yours can find the time to come witness this future piece of art history.

Thank You


  • It's an elafint
  • I am a self-taught professional

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"...because everyone likes a pompous prick artist!"

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse

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