It's Done: Hit #6

You know that thing you asked me to take care of?

Its Done 6.jpeg
It's Done.

Listen, I know you said a photo won't be necessary and I do thank you for paying in full upfront like that, but damn. You owe me a new wood chipper. How many gallons of milk did you feed your husband before you decided you were sick of being his maid? His bones were harder than stone.

It was going well, then I heard a squeal, then a thud. I saw smoke, this chunk flew out, then it stalled. There's at least $700.00 worth of damage here and I'll be expecting to see that in my Bitcoin wallet by Monday.

No funny games, no police, this isn't extortion, I just loved that machine. I appreciate your understanding in advance.



If you have stumbled across this message and are not the intended recipient, you may be in danger. Forget everything you've seen here today, starting now. Turn around, face the tall brown building beside the little red one. See the 'X' on the ground? Stand on it.

Next, reach up to the sky. Stretch! I bet that felt good. Now, lunge and kick and lunge and kick! Scream out, "Good job ladies!" Now reach again! Reach for the sky! And lunge and kick and lunge and kick! Cool down! Breathe. In and out and in and out. Now reach again! Yeah! Just like that! Feel the burn. Hold it there! Hold it! Now drop and give me twenty! Don't be lazy! Remember, you're being recorded for my Youtube channel and we only have one shot at this. DO NOT screw it up!

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"All proceeds from this post will go to a new wood chipper."

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
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