The High Quality Post

I've been hearing a lot about this thing they call, "High Quality"
...but I'm not sure I understand.


What Could it All Mean?

I sat around for a few hours, thinking. I thought about the word high, and it's meaning. Then, I thought about this fancy thing they call, quality. These concepts seemed so foreign to me. I had to think back to my days as a youth to get a better understanding. Those were the days, and for the most part, that's when I did the majority of my book learnin.

Near the end of my thinking time, or brainstorming(that's what a smart person would say), things finally started to fall into place.

High Quality Must Mean Quality High

I went out and bought the best bud I could get my hands on and got to work right away.

Once the buzz kicked in, I started to take notes. Here are a few examples of the high quality thoughts I came up with to use for my high quality post.

  • It takes ten thousand of one thing to have ten thousand one things.
  • Twenty thousand dollars would buy a lot of soup. I'd put it all under the sink, just to fuck with suicidal toddlers looking for the nasty drink.
  • I was standing in line at the bank. This one dude was becoming impatient and started tapping his feet and swaying his body. I thought, "Dude, this is no place to be line dancing."
  • I am the third coming of Jesus. Fuck I hate standing in line.(also at the bank)
  • I think that guard knows.
  • This label says, "New and improved." Why doesn't it just say, "Our old stuff sucked."
  • I hope I never get ripped off, because I am the last page.
  • I wonder why people wonder why.
  • Bird is a word.
  • What if chickens had wings for supper instead? I mean, they're not using them for anything else. Seems like a waste of food.
  • I'm so hungry.

After Nearly One Hour of This

I realized these thoughts were going nowhere. In my condition at the time, I simply could not find a way to expand on these ideas and write an entire article with multiple paragraphs, charts, tables and diagrams. My high quality would look nothing like their high quality.

I could not figure out what I was doing wrong, so I hit the pipe again. Then it dawned on me. I was missing one crucial element. The word post beamed into my brain like thirty-eight up Scotty's all at once.

Since post is synonymous with pole and because I was baked out of my head, the only thing I could think of were totem poles.

Then I thought, I'm not qualified to build an official totem pole.

So I Made This Instead


The Cast of Totem
The Cast


I'm Canadian, so it's safe to say the quality was superb. Canada has been known to grow good bud for many years. It doesn't really matter how much you smoke though, one can only reach a certain level of high before it stops working or puts you to sleep for the night.

I do hope I was high enough though. I'm not sure what else to do. I hope this post makes the grade. If not, well, I'll just keep trying until I run out, I guess.

I do hope you were able to enjoy this post regardless of how high I tried to make it.

Until next time...

Adios from @nonameslefttouse The Writer/Artist Himself!

Attention law enforcement:
This article was designed to be humorous, not serious.
You can call off the hounds now, the children are safe.

All images seen here were produced by me.
"All proceeds from this post will go not go to another bag."

Follow @nonameslefttouse

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.

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