I need just a little more Steem to buy us a country…

I haven’t decided just which country, but it will have to be really big…so I can park my 78 sports cars.

I Think I’ll build an eco friendly 369 room palace right in the middle and put laser weapon intruder detection all around so that we can enjoy my island palace without any riff raff.

Back to the sports cars…why do I need them, just because I can have them, is that a problem. BTW they are all electric, so they are eco friendly.

Should I buy Australia, or maybe New Zealand, or perhaps Fiji, yes that sounds nice…

Maybe I should buy Canada or the USA or …

Wow so many choices to think about, I'm sure for the right price someone will sell me their country, if they haven’t sold it to someone else already.

Who thinks I have a great idea (besides me that is)? What else should I have on my country? What country should I try to buy?

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