Hello ladies and gentlemonkeys! Welcome to SebCam, the real life Truman Show!

In this current day and age, information is constantly bombarded online on sites you may recognise such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tinder, Google+, YouTube (just to name a few). It begs the question: what is not shared?. We share where we are, who we're with, what we're eating and even how we're feeling. All these seemingly insignificant aspects of what it means to be a human are now plastered all over our computers and phones.

Do we even have any privacy? People have the ability to watch your life unfold from a distance, without you even knowing it. From the dark side of the social world to the light. I will personally be showing you my life - the good and the bad and the funny. During this steemit blogging experience I shall be sharing my life through the past 15 years onwards. From wisdom to silliness, this show will have it all. Only one man and one camera, we will be brought back to the basics. This fly-on-the-wall style of video making will encapsulate everything that is truly SebCam. There will be no hiding from the camera, and in turn you, the Internet viewer.

Now here’s just a few things you shall witness during this exploration:

Pranks, reactions and other silly footage

Vegan tips and advice

Behind the scenes footage from a real life Adult Film Star

Sungazing, meditation and enlightenment

Parkour and other adventures

We are controlled by our fears, insecurities and uncertainty. Just as Truman had to conquer his fear of water, I shall battle with life itself and show you the results!

I bring you now SebCam.

Step 1. Do what u LOVE. Do what EXCITES you.
Step 2. Share with #steemit to enable monetization of Dreams.
Step 3. Remember BOREDOM is the Enemy.
(NOT some abstract "failure")

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