What If Jesus Will Not Come Back? What If There Is No Judgement, Paradise And Hell Fire? HAHAAA, I Will Not Take It Easy With God.

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What if God says "I am joking with you. There is no Judgement or hell fire. I just want to test you." Most people will be thinking now that what am i saying? I want you to read further. You will laugh just as I am.

This morning, I was chatting with my "Good Man" and He told me that He meet with a man where He went to fix the car. The was was talking with them when he suddenly brought up the topic. He said:

Prophet, what if God just say that there is no judgement? What if He say that there is no end time? No one is going to die that He he just testing each and everyone to know how people will take it?

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I was like what?😊😲 What was he saying and my Good Man told me to wait and let him finish what he was saying.
He said immediately the man asked the question He answered himself before any one could contribute to it.
He said:

If God decided that he he joking with everyone that the world is not going to an end and that there is no reward for righteousness, HAAAA, I will fight.
I will not agree at all. Why will I deny myself of this worldly things and He just say such.
It will be so painful Haaa. Mio no gba.(I won't take it.)

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Then I started laughing with the way those words were said. My Good Man said that all that were their could not stop laughing because of the tone he used and how he put it.

HAAA Prophet. I am serious oo. I won't take it easy. It will be that those that are killing other for rituals doing, doing bad thing all in the name of pleasure and wanting more will now be mocking me. What a waste it will be to be at the Lord's side.

He continue to say a lot of things and people start contributing what their own regrets will be.

It was a a funny thing. He said there was another who said that

If it is so then God will not show his face at all. Because all the Christians will tear Him up if he there to after what is happening.
And another
Will it now mean that satan will be happy over all? saying that He has won?

So many of them were giving their opinion about the topic.

He said it was really funny the way everyone there was chipping in to the question.
Truly it was funny even the way he was telling me and Ii begin to laugh so much that it start to spread.

Then My Good man said He spoke after all have contributed and make everything serious again.
He told them that God will never lie.

So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

He said that he explained to them all what the word of the Lord means and how God honour His own word.
They continue chatting all the way until they drift to another topic.

To everyone reading. What is your opinion about this? What will be your reaction to the question?

Also, I want us know something. Truly it was funny but we must understand that God will never lie.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. - Matthew 24:35

"God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? - Numbers 23:19

"The anger of the LORD will not turn back Until He has performed and carried out the purposes of His heart; In the last days you will clearly understand it. - Jeremiah 23:20

Ecclesiastes 7:1 says, "A good name is better than precious ointment..." God's Name is magnified because He is faithful to keep His Word.

The word of God is everlasting. It will never change.

Thanks for reading. God bless you.


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