Are You Addicted to STEEMIT? Take the test:)

Well hello Steemians! I was sitting here perusing the site as I normally do, and a question came to my mind. "Am I addicted to Steemit?"  lol You might have asked yourself the same question. I mean, I really don't go on Facebook, and the other Social Media platforms have taken a "back-seat" to Steemit. I would say that I watch Youtube, but that's only because the videos are "shared" on Steemit! And I'm sure I'm not alone. But, I wondered If my engaging on the platform, was healthy or not. So what's one of the best ways to find out if you are addicted or not? Take a test! 

So below, I have a list of questions. At first, I came up with a number scale to add up your addiction level. (A number scale from 1 to 7. 1 meaning you strongly disagree, and 7 meaning you strongly agree. At the end, add your score up, and you will see your "addiction score.") BUT, then I said "Screw it!" If you answer yes to ANY of these questions, you my friend, ARE addicted to Steemit! :)

  • Disclaimer:(This test Is just intended for fun and not based on any scientific or social data:)

So here we go!

  1. Did you ever feel depressed when the Steemit website was shut down?
  2. Do you become nervous if you can't think of what to post?
  3. Do you ever dream about @dantheman or @ned?
  4. Could you function normally if you couldn't use the Steemit "editor" for a week?
  5. Do you get Into trouble at work for looking at Steemit NSFW?
  6. Does your family take a "back-seat" to posting, commenting, and upvoting?
  7. Have you ever been arrested for looking at Steemit?
  8. Have you ever received professional help for looking at Steemit?
  9. Have you used any other Social Media sites today?
  10. Do you experience any type of withdrawal symptoms? (Sweaty palms, anxiousness, Montezuma's revenge)
  11. Have you contracted an "STD" because of a Steemit?
  12. Do you check the steem price at least 5 times an hour?
  13. Have you lost any friendships because of steemit?
  14. Do you sometimes feel guilty about being on steemit, when you should be on Facebook?
  15. Do you have "blackouts" from using steemit?
  16. At any time, do you look forward to the "whales" fighting about down voting?
  17. Have any of your other relatives been addicted to Steemit?
  18. Has your Doctor advised you to "limit" your upvoting time?
  19. Do you get exited when you see "three squiggly blue lines?"
  20. Has Mark Zuckerburg "cried" on your shoulder because he knows that he'll have to start paying people to use his platform?

If you answered YES to ANY of these questions, you ARE addicted to Steemit!!! Seek professional help at once!

(lol In the comments below, If you want to tell the community which number you are addicted to, you can share If you want:)

Happy Steeming!


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