Miss Opinionated : Men are from Mars, Women from Venus #1

Apparently Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus

I've talked a-lot about cultural differences between China and the West, and yet another obvious disparity we all encounter everyday, is gender. Apparently, Men are from Mars and Women from Venus..

The last time I checked, Men are from Earth, and so are Women.

In the words of Albert Einstein:

“Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed.”
― Albert Einstein

The Toilet

Ah.. the toilet, the source of disputes a many. Whether it's leaving the toilet seat up or leaving it down, why men will fail to aim and women are never to blame. Men and Women can never see eye to eye with respect to matters of the bog. And how could they? Women are stuck waiting in line whilst the Men ensure the flowerbed's are sufficiently "nourished".

You maybe wondering why women dislike men using their toilets, even if it's all private cubicles.. Actually, is it that hard to understand why we don't like urine all over the seats? No, I didn't think so.

Packing for Holiday

Sometimes, being spontaneous and going on holiday in a whim with zero planning is romantic.

Atleast, that's what men seem to think every single time as they pack their suitcases five minutes before leaving!

Is it a crime to take full responsibility over the entire process of going on holiday?

Sometimes I wish I could be carefree and not have to think about what to bring on holiday and just, "go".

But that would make me careless, irresponsible, negligent, lax, lazy, heedless, reckless, slack ... a man.

Spot The Difference

How many times has a girl asked you "Do I look any different today?" and you said something else other than her hair?

Like every time right?

Well guess what, 9 times out of 10, she's giving you body language cues to compliment her on her new haircut. Yes, I know it probably looks exactly the same as the last time you saw her, but the important thing is that it looks different to HER!

Just assume she's talking about her hair, and compliment her on how nice it looks and how it suits her.
Even if she's not talking about her hair, she'll appreciate the compliment!

So, how many times have we made these mis-understandings about gender? Only through gender exchange can we learn more about living in harmony with the opposite sex! Errr that came out wrong, but you know what I mean!

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