Miss. Opinionated : Men are from Mars, Women from Venus #3

Time spent at one place, is time never to be spent at another

Everybody has the same 24 hours in a day, and yet, how Men and Women approach similar tasks differ quite a bit.

It would seem that Women take their time to assess the situation thoroughly, whilst the Men... don't.

We're beginning to see a recurring theme here of misalignment of values.

Perhaps we're just programmed to approach abstraction differently.

You’re only a man! You’ve not our gifts! I can tell you! Why, a woman can think of a hundred different things at once, all them contradictory!
—Georgette Heyer


One of the most common complaints about women, is how ridiculously long they take to get ready.

And on the contrary, how men just don't. (get ready)

Women might take a heinously long time to get ready, but what's wrong with brushing up and pleasing the Man's eyes .. Can't blame her for making effort, just think what it'll be like when she stops making that effort!

Decisions, decisions..

Apparently the legacy of Steve Jobs was really just teaching guys all over the world how to never change clothes.

Maybe Steve and the rest of Mankind secretly want to be Dexter.

A woman takes her wardrobe very seriously, what you wear is a reflection and expression of who you are and how you wish to be perceived by others. There is a time, and place AND outfit for everything!

Choice Anxiety

Clothes are only a fraction of the problem.

Being able to abstract complications in decision making is really what allows Men to frequently make the wrong decisions, albeit quickly.

A woman seeks to find a Valid solution whilst the Man seeks to find a Satisfiable one.

Understandably, making difficult choices can bring about anxiety.

When it's about what Shampoo though?

In the words of Queen Elsa :
🎤 Let it Go

A wise Man once said..

Men’s brains may be bigger, but women’s contain more brain cells. Also, male and female brains work differently. When men and women perform identical tasks, different areas of their brains light up in response. In addition, females use both hemispheres, while male brain activity is restricted to one side.
—Kevin Leman

我们一天只有24个小时,男生和女生在如何去选择用这个24小时上,有很大的差别。女生对什么事情都喜欢有仔细的判断,男生就没有。比如说,出门的时候,人家经常怪女生准备的时间好长,但是她们准备这么长的时间,也是为了赢得男生的好感。如果将来她们不重视打扮了,怎么办?男生们也会有意见吧。选衣服也很关键,男生从Steve Jobs 学到了成功人士也可以,从来不换衣服。但是女生对她们的衣服要求很多,是有原因的。因为一个人穿的衣服能代表她本人的性格。我们做事情,喜欢选择合适的时间和地点,但是女人们觉得除了时间地点,选择一套合适的衣服更是重要。选择焦虑症:其实这个问题不止体现在选衣服,男生可以把很复杂的东西理解成简单的事情,也是为什么男生经常选择错。因为女生要找到完美的选择,一个男生要找到可以接受的选择就好了。当然,洗发水这个选择就不用为它焦虑了吧。
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