Miss Opinionated : The Evolution of a Relationship

Relationships cause confusion


One moment you could be head over heels in love with someone and the next, wishing they were dead.

Relationships typically begin with the honeymoon stage. A time where the fire burns the strongest, and the love and passion seems to know no limit. But it's mostly just the stage where couples get it on pretty much any chance they can get, and again, suffer from selective vision / hearing.

Keeping up appearances is effortless, everyone likes to look their best in front of their beau right?

People typically tend to look their best at this stage, and that's no surprise, cause who would want to date a munter?

And if you happen to be a munter, but somehow convinced your partner otherwise, then they won't see you for who you really are anyway, because they'll be suffering from selective vision.

There's a reason they say "Love is blind".


Some say, the hands-on approach works wonders.

During this stage, keeping your hands off each other is actually rather hard.

Make no mistake, this stage of "Body Exploration" is essential, however in the grand scheme of things, short lived.
It might last a few months, or even a few years, but one thing is for sure, the frequency of engaging in "hands-on" goes down.

I bet you thought girls wear sexy lingerie all the time...

Nothing Annoys You

"Whoops I passed some wind"

"I don't smell anything!"

The very obvious flaws just don't seem to make a dent, either we're blinded by love, or we just think our partners are perfect.

Never the less, nothing the other person does pisses you off, and you treat them with the same courtesy all the same.

If only this common courtesy lasted ..

Then there's whatever you call the exodus post honeymoon stage

"If you can stay in love for more than two years, you're on something."
ā€” Fran Lebowitz


The munter's really come into their own at this stage, because for them, there's really nothing to lose. But for those that made real effort to look attractive before, the difference is staggering. One must wonder whether their power of selective vision is wearing off, or if they're even with the same person. Regardless, it is an inevitability that the hands on three times a day, body exploration period draws to an end, and with it a more hands-off approach.

A fine line between love and hate

However, that's not to say that physical contact ends right there. When one door closes, another is opened elsewhere after all.
With the honeymoon stage a distant memory, whatever tolerance you had for each other's odd behaviour is gone too.

Many men are now reporting themselves as victims of domestic violence.

Frankly, i'm surprised they haven't killed themselves already.

Live to tell the tale

Whilst the honeymoon stage was an intense exercise on how to behave irrationally under the pretence of being in love,(and golly was it fun), many couples report entering a deeper level of love despite enduring the post honeymoon stage exodus.

Acceptance is key.

Your partner may not always wear sexy lingerie, but then you don't necessarily desire them to either!

That's the great thing about learning to accept and love the quirky uncanny weirdness in your partner.

Some people yearn for the burning passion in a relationships only found at the beginning. They run to the hills once that fiery flame has burned out. Others discover new ways to love and embrace one another. Being a hopeless romantic, I hope I end up being the latter.

What about you guys? How do you deal with post honeymoon stage blues?

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