Miss. Opinionated : The Mental Game of Women #1

Mind Games and Mental Warfare

When it comes to the dating game, us women surely know how to deliver confusion, angst, anxiety and insecurity to even the most privy of men.

One moment we might seem interested, then shortly after, avoiding you like the plague. But more often than not, our intention is to scope out your intentions, see if you're being sincere and most importantly, gauge your character.

For a man, this can often lead to frustration, disappointment, jealousy and lonely nights.

How do you behave when a woman engages her mind warfare on you? Well..
You can either learn to respond in the best way to improve your chances, or.. Do nothing.
The better man would choose to try understand how to confront these situations appropriately.

Lets Begin

The Availability Game

So, a woman has agreed to go on a dinner date with you. Fantastic!
Only the day before the date, she cancels due to "something coming up".

This is the woman's way of playing hard to get. You didn't think you'd score a date that easily did you?
It's true, we always want what we can't have.
There is value in scarcity, and she is simply making herself and her time, a scarce commodity.


Fear not, for she might actually have something come up. At least she had the courtesy to tell you in advance instead of standing you up.

But that doesn't solve your problem of eventually getting her to go on a date with you. Your best bet is to play along with the availability game and in turn, make yourself seem scarce too. Remember, you have your own social circle, your own friends, and your own activities to attend to. A man always seems more attractive when other people seem to want to spend time with him, perhaps even other women! But be sure to make your intention to take her out clear. She'll latch on.

Sexual Tension

Sometimes, flirting can be mislead as a woman making sexual signals. A woman likes to flaunt her sexuality but it doesn't always mean she wants to have sex, at-least right away.


As much as women enjoy sex, if we're looking for a serious partner, then some assurance of the seriousness of the relationship as well as emotional connection is not a bad reason to delay the instant gratification of sex.

If you do come across a woman with this mentality, then as much as your other "you" may feel disgruntled, your chances of scoring will be higher if you nod in acknowledgement. Try not to make it look reluctant!
She'll feel comforted by your response and may in turn lower her guard sooner.

On the other hand, if neither you have any reason to wait. Why wait 💘!

Be a Man! Do the right thing! Get Jealous, eat vinegar!

The chances are, if you're attracted to the girl for whatever reasons, other's will be too!

Women like attention, and will use it to test how will you are to give it to them!

Even if that means approaching and hitting on the douchey looking dude to get YOUR attention.
Whether or not you do something about it will determine whether you pass her test or not. So what to do?


Be a man, do the right thing, get jealous, eat vinegar, and while you're at it, stake your claim.

On the other hand, if she's a huge attention seeker and will part with literally anyone that approaches her, perhaps it's time to rethink whether she's worth your time.

Remember :

“Any woman can fool a man if she wants to and if he’s in love with her.”

Sources : 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6

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