The 13 Stages Of Putting Kids To Bed (Told In GIFs)

I did it! I got my kids to go to bed tonight. Here are the actual 13 stages of me putting my kids to bed!  Tonight was a rough one. I hope you had better success than I did.

Let me know if you have the same experiences or am I just a bad dad. lol

The 13 Stages Of Putting Kids To Bed

1. Announce that it is bedtime

2. Demand that it is time to go to bed

3. Pull them to the bathroom to brush their teeth

4. Brush their teeth

5. Put on pajamas

6. Read a bedtime story

7. Tuck them in

8. Go cuddle with wife

9. Kids try and sneak in your bed

10. Put them back in bed crying

11. Do it again when they sneak out again.

12. Now they are thirsty, get them some water

13. They are finally asleep and so is your wife. Time for a little me time.

(all gifs from

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Please share with other parents you know and let's all enjoy some wine together. Have a great night and ROCK ON & STEEM ON!

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