Time Travel - How we will be able to do it in the future...

Allow me to take a moment of technological extrapolation.

Imagine what happens as Virtual/Augmented Reality start developing. Already people can put on a headset and they're on a roller coaster and it makes their body feel as if they're on it.

Imagine what happens as this technology develops and develops and you guessed it...develops.

Now let's add in that there's an incredible amount of data in the form of video, pics, sounds that is accumulating. We have more recorded history of what is going on at the moment and that's just going to grow.

And to top it off let's chuck in AI who can put together all of this info/data and from it can build virtual worlds.

So my prediction for the future is that at some point there will be enough info, and ways to build on that info, to create virtual worlds that we'll be able to step into and check out.

We won't be able to travel back and walk around when the dinosaurs existed or even our time now. Or perhaps it will be like a resolution thing where the further you go back the worse the resolution. But at some point in time we will be able to travel back in time as a viewer. Or even feeling as if we are a participant. Imagine a game where you're a passed version of yourself but you get to live a new life making different decisions.

And then they'll start being able to build models of what reality will be like in the future. At that point we'll be able to travel into possible futures and see what's going on. Maybe we'll be able to tweak a potential future and then check it out. Of course all of that info will be processing away along with how we will change our decisions based on what is likely to happen in the future. We'll be in a real time interdependence of future and present.

No I haven't been smoking today.

Just a thought.

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