[FICTION CONTEST] One Day in 2040 - A Message From 2040

Here is my entry for @pennsif's Fiction Contest: One Day in 2040

On November 19th, 2017, mail carriers all over the world began delivering mysterious packages to a select group of people. A half million boxes in total spread over every nation on earth. To my surprise, I received one of these deliveries.

With excited anticipation, I open the package to reveal a plain white sheet of paper, and a small envelope containing a red pill. The writing on the envelope said, "Please swallow tablet with a glass of water, to reveal the message and save your life."

Feeling uneasy about taking the mysterious red pill, I look at the return address. Oddly the sender has the same name as me, but the address is unrecognisable. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I swallow the red pill after a lengthy deliberation with myself, trusting that it will save my life.

What I thought was just a piece of paper comes alive. A holographic image of someone that looks just like me appears in front of me. I gasp and reach out my hand, but it passes straight through the realistic looking person in front of me. "Maybe I'm high," I think to myself.

She starts to speak, "I know you will think this is crazy, but I am you. Today is November 20th, 2040 we now have the technology to communicate to the past or the future. I am your future self."

"Yeah, right," I say.

My future-self replies, "I know everything about you, and more. Ask me anything if you want proof. Hear my message, while you have time to make a difference. The red pill you have swallowed will protect you from the coming plague and will give you directions as to how to proceed. The United Nations, starting January 1st, 2018 will begin depopulating the earth to a sustainable five hundred million people. Your DNA is now altered, allowing you to evolve to a higher state of being, and become part of the hive. We are all connected and think together. Five hundred million brain's working together as one. Our Queen at the United Nations is the master guiding our lives and keeping us well. Disease and ageing is a thing of the past. Look how great I look!"

I agree that I look amazing. Could it be that I look younger in 2040? "How cool is that!"I think to myself.

My future-self continues, "We all have superior intelligence, thanks to Brain Link technology. Our bodies and minds linked to the internet to operate as one in optimum efficiency; what we call "The Hive". Nobody does any physical labour anymore; robots handle everything from dinner to construction. We live in designated residential bio-domes, while the surrounding lands farmed sustainably if possible by robots. Some areas are still too contaminated for life thanks to the climate change deniers and polluters. Money is no longer needed, since "The Hive" ensures everyone has enough not to need or want for anything. We have created a utopian society that neglects no one."

"Why me?" I ask my future-self.

"I knew that I could be red-pilled. Many receiving a package like this would dismiss the message as "fake news." Not me, my brain was ready and willing to accept the truth in front of my face. Now that you have joined "The Hive", you will be going online by the end of the day. You will need the support of "The Hive", in the coming days. Virus seeding will begin throughout the worlds drinking water. Those infected will die within days. You will lose family and friends, but "The Hive" will support you and give you direction, so you need not worry, your future is secure. Safe travels! Ciao!", the holographic image disappears back into the paper.

"Holy crap," I say to the paper, "Was I dreaming, what just happened?" Suddenly I see a white flash, and I can feel something strange happening to my body. A sensation of an electrical current travelling through every part of my being. A moment later I was connected to "The Hive", and all of the worlds knowledge was in my head. Contentedness, peace, and love washed over me as I became one with the hive, no longer just myself.

The Hive Queen comes online and we collectively, stop everything we are doing as per our programming. The Queen commands us to begin dispensing the virus. Five hundred million of us step into action with the common goal of saving the world by depopulation, all part of the United Nations Agenda 2030.


Image source:Pixabay

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