A list of things I'm grateful for, 2050

As is our tradition when we get together as a family, we have gathered our ideas together to form an entry on those things for which we are grateful. Gratefulness, we believe, continues to keep us happy and healthy, and even humble despite the abundance with which we have been blessed.

In this year of our Lord, 2050, on Christmas Day, we gather to add, each one of us, our additions to this list, to be kept for future generations to read and admire, and learn from the faith of their ancestors.

Matilde and her tree, 35 years ago

We are so thankful for the opportunity to have begun planting trees many years ago, training our family in the ways of forest guardianship and permaculture. We are thankful for our family members who have grown up around this culture of replenishing and abundance, and we are grateful for the beautiful inner workings of nature that have allowed us to create abundant forests full of food, medicine and life.

We are grateful for the time we have had to watch these decisions and actions grow in size and impact.

Matilde's tree, this year

We are grateful for Steem, which has allowed us to connect around the world with our disperse families and friends, and has allowed us to make new friends across cultural distances that once used to divide us. We are so thankful that the 'Us vs. Them' mentality continues to retreat, and that the people of the world have decided to live in peace focusing on beautifying, protecting and making productive our natural systems all around us.

More trees for more Matildes

We continue to give thanks for the cryptographic revolution in monetary policy, for those dangerous years of the '20s, when humans rejected central banking outright, and over a decade, drove the banking sector into the free and open space of distributed ledger technology.

We are grateful for the elimination of interest payments and debt, for the creation of value for each one of the human individuals who enhabit this planet. We are thankful for these systems which propogate peace and harmony on this planet and reject the forces of hatred and division.

Rebirth of the financial sector

We are thankful for our marriage, @ecoinstante and I, and all the blessings that have flowed from that decisions to get married. We are blessed with our large family, both direct and extended, and we are thankful that so many could gather here with us ths Christmas. We are wonderfully thankful for the space on Buena Vista Resort to be able to accomodate so many of our relatives and friends so very comfortably.

37 years of marriage

And finally we are so very grateful that we could live so long, to the year 2050, and we hope to live many more years of peace and prosperity on this wonderful planet Earth. Being happy and healthy, we expect to keep on planting trees and educating the next generation in sustainable development, both of the digital and the physical variety. Over the last 30 some years humanity has made great advances in harmony, we seek to keep pushing those advances on into the future.

May 2051 be a wonderful and blesséd year!

Love and Light to All!

Published on my Robotic Unicorn Sidekick

PS - As always we are very grateful for the open sourced development of Robotic Unicorn Sidekicks, and their function as modems, notetakers, cameras, third arms, assistants, messengers, alarm clocks and much more.

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