Christmas Day in 2050 (Diary Entry Contest)

Hello again, Diary.

Well, it’s finally here, Sunday, December 25, 2050. That’s right Christmas Day and my 50th Christmas in this world. I have been waiting for this day for a few years. I know what I’m getting this year for Christmas because I bought it last week at the Galaxy Space Mall. I’m getting the new X-13 Global watch computer. It was on sale and I just couldn’t resist buying before the price went back up.

It’s almost time to open our presents and my parents will be here any minute. They are coming with my brother in his new smart car. He decided to get with the 21st century, and about time too. My brother is supposed to transmit a video message when they are only a few kilometers out. I need to dehydrate dinner and get out the dessert pills. The dehydration only takes a few seconds, but I still need for the robots to carry it all to the table on the terrace. We will have a virtual view of falling snow today. It was at my mother’s request. She misses the snow from her younger days, but she can’t go out in it anymore.

Yes, I know, I still have dessert ‘pills’. Old-fashioned I know, but we like old-fashioned here. I have found that using the pills is fewer calories than using dehydration. My virtual doctor has been getting on me about losing a few kilograms. That’s the only way I’m going to get it done. I guess I could get one of those new-fangled operations to get rid of my excess body fat, but they are too expensive, and I like doing it the old-fashioned way, with sweat. It makes me feel more alive.

Finally, the call from my brother. The robots are almost finished setting the table. I hope my dad is in a good mood today. He usually is on Christmas Day, but you just never know about him sometimes. My dad does have the voice activation code for my front door, so that will give me time to make sure the robots have completed their tasks.

So, the door opens and there they all are, all of them dressed like it’s still 2020. It’s a little embarrassing, but they’re family and it’s Christmas, so I’ll let it slide. My 3 sisters should be here anytime also. They are always between 5 and 10 minutes late. I swear they do it on purpose to agitate me. I told them that we will start eating without them from now on. Well, that’s supposed to start in 2051, so this will be their last time to be late, if they want to eat.

When they all finally get here, we eat. The virtual view of the wintery scene is beautiful. If my mom is happy, then we are all happy. Now it’s time for the presents.

Our family is mostly into giving old-fashioned gifts. For example, for my father, I got him some shaving gel. No, not the real, old-fashioned stuff that you need to shave yourself. This gel, when applied to your face, you can wipe your face clean. I got him that because he is getting up there in his years and he said he’s tired of messing with it. For my mom I got a gift card, good for 20 Steem dollars. In fact, all my sisters got gift cards too, but theirs were only good for 10 Steem dollars each. As for my brother, well he wants the same thing every year, a gift certificate for Whataburger. He’s been eating there for the past 45 years and I doubt he will ever change.

For me this year they all chipped in and guess what they got me? Yeah, that’s right, an X-13 Global watch computer. What are the odds? Oh well, I can return one of them to get store credit, no problem.

After eating we all started talking about our annual after Christmas virtual trip. We can’t really afford to go on an actual trip, but virtual trips are now better anyway. You get all the sensations, but none of the pain. My mom & dad are really not into traveling these days anyway. Besides, with all the sensation of a real trip, right from your own living room, why would you want to go. You can have a 2-week vacation done in a couple of days. Being my 50th trip, I get a 50% discount. That’s why I am so happy for this year.

Well, it’s about 1800, time for everyone to leave. They all have a long way to go. We will all meet for our virtual vacation in Hawaii in a couple of days. Everyone will make the trip from their own homes. It should be an enjoyable vacation, it always is.

Goodnight dear Diary.


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