Keeping Promises~

25 December 2050

Dear Sweet Diary,
Today was Christmas!!!

I was so excited when I got up this morning! The Pelicans were picking me up to take me to The Gathering at the square.

The Gathering ending up to be the most wonderful sight to behold. It brought back so many of the old stories that Grandma told of how things used to be.

There were REAL Christmas lights everywhere! I have no idea where they dug those up from! Last I heard the government had taken all the decorations, outlawed them as a waste of time and money but Ohhh Diary they were so beautiful. How can beauty be a waste of anything! After today I will never take beauty for granted!! This I vow!

They even had a REAL tree!! Where that came from I have no idea!! It was planted in a HUGE bucket all covered in lights. As I got closer to the tree I noticed how the air seemed to be cleaner, fresher and the smell!!! Ohhhh Diary! The smell was something I have never experienced before.

The smell took your mind to another place and time and Grandma's stories all came crashing back in my head. The ones where she had been on camping trips where she said she slept with the trees! Can You imagine?! Sleeping next to a whole bunch of real trees! The air had to be so clean and fresh! It's a wonder any survived all that fresh clean air!

The best part Dearest Diary was at the end, they handed us all a seed to plant our own tree!

YES! you read that right!! I am now a Custodian of a REAL tree! Ohhhhhh the Joy of it all! and the pressure!

On the way home The Pelicans were talking about how and where they were going to go about planting their seeds to make sure their tree survived for the next 100 years.......I wondered then if I should call Grandma and ask her advice about planting mine!!

When the Pelicans dropped me off I went straight to my bunk. I was ready for a long chat with Grandma about my newest responsibility.

I was now in charge of a TREE! <laughing> Who would have thought that was even possible in this day and age!

The responsibility is still very overwhelming. Grandma told me to just relax and she would help me plant it. She said it was not a big deal to plant a tree and help it grow but.......Ohhhhhhh Diary what if I do it wrong! what if my tree dies?

I'm just so worried about all the responsibility of taking care of a tree!!

I promise I will keep track in here. The journey with my tree! I will make a separate entry every day so you know how my story goes Dearest Diary!!

Right now the seeds are in the protective covering I received them in. Please pray I don't lose or misplace it!! I need to keep this very safe until Grandma can show up and help with the planting!

Ohhhhh what would happen to me if I lost the seed

We need the air the tree will produce so badly!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, why oh why did I go to the Square today!! I just don't know if I'm worthy of this responsibility!!

I NEED to sleep dear diary, Thank You for always being here for me to get my thoughts out in. I sleep at night with a clear mind while you take my worries and guard them for the night.



Hi everyone!

Here is my entry in the Christmas Day in 2050 - write a diary entry - over US$200 to be won contest.

This is also my Day 56: 5 Minute Freewrite entry for today

and now I'm going back to sleep after keeping my promise! LOLL!

Much Love,

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