New years day 2051 contest

Day 1:2051
We made it, but Jethro got wounded on the ice. He is bleeding pretty bad. I wrapped my scarf around his leg over the heavy gash, but there isn't much I can do. We got away during their festivities. We set off an alarm and had to run. I don't think they would enjoy losing their slave labor. It doesn't seem as cold as before. Could the deep freeze be over?
Where are my boys? My husband?

We managed to find shelter on an old ship deck half buried in the ice. I wonder how the people on this ship faced the freeze? Did they make it to the bunker? Or did they die in the cold waiting for a rescue? I don't want to explore the ship and find their bodies, but they must still have supplies. And I cannot find my boys without them.
I managed to build a fire for Jethro, I hope he is still alive when I get back. There are strange clanks and bangs coming from within the ships interior. Did somebody survive all this time? Or could it be some wild animal? Or just a busted pipe blown by the draft coming through. I am terrified but I need to look. We need food and medical supplies. I wish I had a weapon.

Jethro, if you are reading this, go on without me, I didn't make it. They will be looking for us soon when the sun comes up. Find my boys Jethro, please!

I found them! I found my sons! If only I had known they were so close, if only I had tried harder to escape before now. Erin has been so good to them. She protected my babies from the freeze. She rocked them in her arms during those long cold nights. I am so grateful to her. They are asleep now, the midnight hour excitement was a lot for them. We cried for what seemed like hours! They almost gave up on Mommy, my heart is breaking! They lost Ned in the chaos. Erin found them hiding under a broken bridge that day. She rescued my babies! I will never be able to repay her.

She lost her daughter during the freeze. She was with her father in another state and there is no way of knowing what happened. She said there are pockets of survivors nearby. The weather seems to be changing.

Zach can whistle and knit now and Sam can talk in sentences! How much have I missed. I have never been more ashamed of being the bread winner. How much time did I lose with my children? What do I have to show for it? Spending 12 hours a day at the office. Stuck with them during this nightmare and forced into that awful bunker. Made to serve meals when my kids have been here this whole time! How dare they lock us in. If I had been there, would Ned have made it? What happened to him?
Maybe he is still alive.... Maybe he needs help. Should I continue my search? How can I when I finally found my kids?
Erin would protect them. She reminds me of my old self defense teacher. Very tall and intimidating but gentle enough to comfort a lost soul. I look like a wet fish compared to her. They have shelter and numbers. I could not protect my kids out there. This I am certain. I can't wait for Jethro to heal. I need to find my husband.

The excitement is hitting me too, I can't let go of my babies. They are alive! They are in my arms! I can see them, hold them, kiss their wonderful faces! I hope Ned is nearby, one of the survivors Erin mentioned. Is it too much to hope for? With so much given to me today, what are the chances of another miracle? I'm just so grateful to have found my boys! And so ashamed that I wasn't there for them. I will plan tomorrow, for now I want to be a mother. I don't deserve this. But I am so happy they survived and we are together again!

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