Hello Steeamians !
Today I wanted to make another post about Go, so here is a game I played today. I hope you'll enjoy it !
If you're new to the game here is a post I made with the basic rules : @jarendesta/it-s-not-just-about-beer
I started as black, my opponent and I went for a standard openning.
Then, he approched my bottom left corner and I'm not really used to that joseki but I was quite happy to find the move on P7 which, I think, gave me a little advantage.
The sequence ended with his stabilization move on L3, after that I approched his upper right corner but nothing special appened there.
A big point in this game was this move where he attacked my stone and I felt like I had to protect it and make it lives.
I managed to make it lives and the sequence ended with my big move on K16. After that, he attacked my upper left corner with R11 and started a fight but I was ok let him lives on the right to make a lot of point with my brand new wall.
After this little fight, he saw what I was trying to do and play L15 to conter my plan.
I gained some point on the upper side and when he stabilized his new group with K13, I attacked his weak group on the right side with S9 !
It was quite a success and I managed to kill his entire group ! He conceed after that and with this win I climbed to the 10kyu rank !
I hope you enjoyed this little game review, tell me in the comment what do you think about this content. See you tomorrow !