Torn- An Online RPG That You Should Be Playing

What is Torn City?

In simple terms, its a game. A text based RPG set in Torn City. Whats the point of it? Simply to be the best, weather that be the strongest, the richest, or run the strongest faction.

How do I play Torn City?

Simple answer, you play it your way. Want to run the best company, do it. Like fighting more and would rather fight to the top, do that. It doesn't matter what you do in the game. You just gotta be the best. Join factions to have a team behind your back for anything. Join a company for a job. Train in the job to get stronger. Hell, take drugs to be stronger. Only in torn do drugs make you stronger.


Have 10 minutes to spare every day? Join Torn City. You don't need to invest much time into this game to be the best. Just checking on it once a day will be enough to make you the best. Personally, I only play it for about twenty minutes day and I'm doing very good in it. Its a very fun game with a great community willing to help out for any new players in need. The idea of the game is very simple and the way to achieve it is made clear from the very beginning. Its not a game that takes much to get into, but once you're in your stuck in with its fun features. With the wealth of a strong community, new ideas by developers and fun play style, Torn City is one of the best game ever.

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