OST of the Day #32: Death Road to Canada - Rotten Shotgun 💀

Hey Steemit!

OSTs are really underrated but they're so good, so I thought I'd share a song a day and my thoughts about it! I highly recommend listening while reading! 😊

Speaking of underrated, one of the recently released games (by that I mean within the last 5 years) I've been playing that I think needs more attention is a game called Death Road to Canada!

Image result for death road to canada cover
Source: nintendoreporters.com

Death Road to Canada is a Randomly Generated Road Trip Action-RPG. According to the developers; Rocketcat Games, you have to manage a car full of jerks as they explore cities, find weird people, and face up to 500 zombies at once.

Everything's randomized: locations, events, survivor personalities. There's a different story every time you play, so the replay value is extremely high. Also, the game is actually pretty difficult aside from the ridiculous RNG so the motivation to get to the end and safely enter Canada will push you to keep going; run after run, death after death.

Image result for death road to canada
Source: etgeekera.com

The gameplay itself is pretty interesting and unlike any other game I've played before. There are basically 2 aspects of the game; half the time you're driving/walking along Death Road and random events and encounters happen. During these events you have to make choices which can affect your team's morale, call on their skills, or reduce/increase your supplies of food, gas, ammo and med packs. These events are sometimes pretty ridiculous and hilarious, and really shows the game's humour in writing that I absolutely love.

Image result for death road to canada
Source: godisageek.com

Here's a video of a funny event that can occur. It's pretty much what pushed me buy the game.

The other half of the game works like a 2D hack-and-slash, where you go around whatever location you chose to loot houses and shops while avoiding the zombies. Occasionally, you'll be thrown into a siege where you'll be required to survive in a large horde for a certain amount of time before you can escape the location.

Image result for death road to canada
Source: Steam

Anyway, enough explanation; let's get to the amazing soundtrack and the song I chose for today!

This song is called Rotten Shotgun and I believe it typically plays during a SIEGE!

The song starts off with an 8-bit country feel with banjo-like sounds for about 25 seconds, and is totally the kind of song I was expecting from this game. But after that initial buildup it really gets into a groove with the beats taking centre stage before passing it on to a higher melody with accompanying bass notes. An electric guitar takes the melody (but not loudly like you'd expect) all the way to the end with the starting sequence playing along. The tune in general is so upbeat and really motivates you to do your best and escape the horde of zombies!

Image result for death road to canada siege
Source: deathroadtocanada.fandom.com

Other than the catchy tune, I love the name of this song too. Rotten Shotgun is such a fitting name, especially since you'll likely want to equip shotguns in the coming siege to fight off the onslaught of zombies hungry for your brains.

Anothing thing I really like about this game is the character customisation! There's so many options for character creation and it's so funny when you make your friends and they end up sabotaging your team. 😅

Image result for death road to canada guns
Source: Steam

DR2C was released in 2016 on Steam, and is now available on Xbox One, PS4 and the Switch as well. There's a multiplayer option for up to 2 or 4 so it works really well as a couch co-op. It's only about 15 bucks so if you're into 2D beat-em-ups, I'd definitely recommend it!

Thanks for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://tacocat.steemblogs.club/2019/08/22/ost-of-the-day-32-death-road-to-canada-rotten-shotgun-%f0%9f%92%80/

Check out my previous post in this series!

OST of the Day #31: DKC2: Diddy's Kong Quest - Disco Train

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