Game and software Development update (exciting title isn't it?)

WARNING this is kind of geeky


OpenSeed is a bridge between non-web based applications and STEEM.

The Goal of OpenSeed is to create a standard API for games on STEEM. Though the tasks aren't difficult to code, they are time consuming. With OpenSeed the game developer can focus on what is really important, making games. While allowing them to be a part of a decentralized network.

As this is my personal account the posts here are mainly for posterity, Official releases and announcements will be made on @v-entertainment

OpenSeed - Godot

Openseed's Godot template is coming along. I had to do some recoding on them to separate the interfaces from the main file. This will allow the developers to come up with their own interfaces if needs be. Though like a lot of other services like OpenSeed I would recommend using what is offered as I won't be able to support strange configs.

Screenshot from 20190801 210914.png

Screenshot from 20190801 184623.png

Road Map

  • Chat dialog
  • Save data functions
  • Achievements
  • Large Data I/O
  • Wallet(Local and Encrypted)
  • Coin interface
  • Examples
    -- FPS game
    -- Sandbox Game (Vague Entertainment for Kids*)
    -- Arcade Games
    -- Puzzle Game

*My son Liam cam up with this the other day as a possible years project for our Game Development class. I really like it and it would work as a great testing ground for the OpenSeed service.

OpenSeed - Server

The server side of OpenSeed is moving along nicely. With the biggest news in that I have converted the server to Python and now communicates to the clients in the tried and true server/client model using streams and sockets instead of the old html REST styled connection. This has sped up the I/O significantly and should open some huge doors going forward.

Steps toward Decentralization

One of OpenSeed's design aspects from the beginning of the project was to extend the life of the games created by Vague Entertainment beyond the life of the company. In the past this was achieved by running a set of sync commands between databases and keeping a list of servers that were running the software. This was before block-chains and more importantly STEEM. With both of these technologies on hand, I can focus on engineering the best way to store the data needed for longevity on the while storing the temporary on OpenSeed much like what HiveMind does for the social aspects of the chain.

Road Map

  • Finalize highscore format and concept. (not sure if the users should have to send a small amount to v-entertainment to post score)
  • Finalize achievement format and storage solution. (The awarding should be controlled by the game, but the award should be sent via memo)
  • Save format and storage / retrieval. (Custom JSON, may require encryption)
  • Stage format and storage / retrieval ( current thought could be really innovative but questions remain)
  • Digital Asset format specs (currently considering gltf as a must for the assets created IF they want to sell them via OpenSeed)
  • Steem-engine token or SMT integration


OpenSeed is being developed as an FOSS software, by @bflanagin as a means to support his game and app development. The end goal will be to allow any indie developer to run an OpenSeed instance on their machine and connect to a network of other nodes. Sharing bandwidth and cost with each other. To fund these nodes each developer will have a monthly fee that will be distributed between all nodes giving a larger percentage to those that are running IPFS and or STEEM witness nodes. This payment would be levied via STEEM or to a yet to be created Org that would then convert the payment to STEEM to distribute to the OpenSeed nodes.

Questions, comments, etc. You know what to do.

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