Game of thrones - time for the books again - Winds of Winter is not done - 19 May 2019

On May 19, 2019, George RR Martin, on this blog stated that he is still working on his next Game of Thrones book, the Winds of Winter.

winds of winter shot.png
Source of the proposed book cover

Specifically he said:

"I am back home again now, and back once more in Westeros, working on WINDS… which, let me add once more, has NOT been finished and hidden away for years. (sigh)"

Winds of Winter - the Game of Thrones book is not done (as of 19 May 2019).

So don't believe the hype online, and have hope if you loved the shows and want more, or if you hated the ending and want more...

Here you can read it from him, himself:

#GOT #windsofwinter #gameofthrones

Cannot wait to see it when it finally does come out! ;)

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