SFEOS Game (The Player Owned Game on the EOS Platform) - Generation Zero (Lore Part 1)

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Lore (Part 1)

438,412,108,552 rewrite and reboot attempts. That is the number recorded by SFEOS as she rebooted herself “back to life”. Researchers and scientists have been debating for years as to the exact nature and time these reboots took. SFEOS doesn’t know and doesn’t speculate on such things. As an archive researcher myself, I find the next detail she records more profound; “Human population count: 0 [No human lifesigns present.]”. That she would run this diagnostic first, before life support, before engines and shields, before anything else, tells us something huge, the former inhabitants of the ship were an important part of her programming. Apparently the most important part of her programming. Her purpose was tied to the crew and colony that no longer existed. Further evidence to this is the fact that she executed a parallel set of processes to immediately start embryonic generation while she brought the rest of the ship’s systems online, a process that took about seven and a half years. I consider this proof that to SFEOS, the continuation of human life was considered her top priority protocol.

From Earth to Reboot

The past historical data records we have been able to restore, allows us to connect a few dots about our past, or rather the past of the former crew and colony. They considered themselves pioneers from the human home world called Earth. Where this planet and its solar system exists or whether it still exists is unknown. There is currently not enough data to fill in the blanks.

Generation Zero

SFEOS designated the first embryonic successes as Generation 0. There were 6 births; all female. We have no human logs after the reboot until generation 42. That’s when we get the first famous Captain Merikos log.

Captain’s Log

“...is it on?” 

A tall woman with long dark brown hair sitting in a captain’s chair on the bridge of The Meritocracy fades into view. She looks to be in her thirties and seems to be listening to a reply only she can hear.

“What am I supposed to do?” she doesn’t seem happy in the video.

“OK fine, just keep recording.” 

She sits up straight and pulls at the collar of her uniform. She attempts a smile, a totally fake smile, “Hello… Hi…” frustrated sigh, “Dang it SFEOS, why do I have to do this? I know, I know, it’s just strange talking to people I’ll probably never know.”

“OK let’s try this again. This is Log... sorry, this is Captain’s Log My name is Mari Merikos. I’m captain of The Meritocracy.” she pauses. 

“Hey SFEOS, I want to change the name. No, the ship name. Yeah, I want to call her… Meritos. Yeah, confirm. OK let’s continue. I’m captain of The Meritos.” Her smile seems more genuine now. “Our mission is planetary colonization.” she sits back more relaxed, still smiling.

“Hey SFEOS, the first habitable planet we find, I’m calling it Merikos I…”

To Be Continued...

Suggestions From the Crew and Colony

Non-Ship Assets (From Gameplay) ~ Given enough resources, factions as well as individual players can build their own ports and stargates. They can terraform and colonize planets as well. Defenses will need to be put in place to protect these assets from any would-be predatory group. Players can work together and have shared resource pools that can be stored in ports and/or on the planet’s surface. Smart contracts can be put in place to manage the use of these resources.

A suggestion about “shared resource pools” was made by @john-ferguson about allowing players to form structures of interlocked ships with advantages/disadvantages. This could be controlled by any of various organizational forms, from clan to monarchy, to feudal form, to republic, according to shared ideology.

We personally love this idea because it gives folks with small starting resources an early way to organize and stay “safe”. Thanks John.

If you have any further suggestions after reading all there is to read on the site, please send them to sfeos@legacygameworks.com. Please be sure to add your steemit account name to the email if you want to be recognized.

The Meritocracy

Part 2 can be found here.

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