The Hardest Computer Game of All Time - Robot Odyssey - Part 2

Hey guys, this is my continuation of playing the hardest computer game of all time, Robot Odyssey. If you haven't read part 1, you'll be lost reading this post :)

Ok we left off at this puzzle, I programmed the robot's left thruster on until its right side sensor is activated (it gets activated if its right side hits a wall) at which point turn off the left thruster and turn on the right thruster. Also I had to enable the grabber. Then I turned the robot on, and watched as it moved as I had wired it up to do.

Yay! It worked!

The actual circuit wiring inside for the above puzzle.

As I continue to traverse the maze-like level, I encountered an "enemy" robot, soon I realized every time I cross paths with this guy with a robot in my hand, it will drain some of its energy. The robots run on energy, once they are drained they can no longer move, and will need to be recharged. This sucks since I need the robots to move in order to solve puzzles and I couldn't find any recharging stations. This forced me to restart the entire game from the beginning and re-do everything since I didn't save. I now learned the importance of saving in this game!

The energy-sucking "enemy" bot.

After some moments of frustration and reading the game manual online, I learned that there is a button to press for hints.

Hints for the first level.

So the hints describe a certain black crystal that foil Ampire Bots, I think they meant vampire? That sounded like the bot that was draining all my robots' energy. I set out a quest to find this black crystal, not knowing what it really entailed... 

I searched all the accessible areas and the black crystal was nowhere to be found. I then noticed in one of robots, a sensor of what appears to be a filled in crystal was attached to one of my robot's antenna (it means that if the crystal is in the same room as the robot, the antenna will send out visible signals).

The black crystal sensor attached to the input of the antenna.

Now I understood what the game wants me to do in order to find the crystal. I must bring the robot with this sensor into each area, turn the robot on, and see if its antenna reacts. If it does, it must mean the black crystal is in the same area. After a long while doing just that, the antenna reacted in of the rooms.

Finally the antenna responded! The black crystal is near.

Also a chip labeled 1 is also in this room, chips let you wire circuits inside them to create an integrated circuit that can be used in part of a larger circuit to perform more complicated tasks. See how crazy hard this game is?!

It is clear the black crystal is not visible, so I walked around every inch of this room until... until my body was obstructed by something... the bloody black crystal! See how my body has a huge gaping hole? That's the black crystal sitting on top of me. Do they expect players to find this?! 

The bloody black crystal, finally found.

With the black crystal, I neutralized the enemy bot, and continued to this next puzzle. A crystal that can be used to recharge my robot is guarded by a robot that won't allow me to pass. Again I must call upon the friendly robots to help. After a while I remember in the hints that it said robots are pre-wired to help me and that chip 2 is "wall hugger".

Another puzzle involving remotely grabbing an item.

Inside the robot with chip 2, I'm not even going to attempt to understand what this chip does.

I took a leap of faith and activated this robot while inside it, looking out from the periscope, and watched it go.


That was fairly easy since I didn't have to wire anything myself, the hard part was interpreting the lines in the hints.

Ok I think that's enough progress for today. I'll continue to tackle this beast another time...

3 columns
2 columns
1 column