💻 The Hardest Computer Game of All Time - Robot Odyssey - Part 3

Hello guys, this is my continued play-through of the hardest computer game of all time, Robot Odyssey. If you this is your first time reading, I suggest you start from the beginning or you will be lost. 

I am still in the first level of the game, after two play-throughs. I start off by finding an item in the sewers. Don't know what it is for yet but in this game you hold on to everything that you find.

Some sort of sensor item.

Soon afterwards I came to this room, reminding me to grab everything, in CAPS. And right below this room I found another item.

Do you have EVERTHING?

I think now I have everything.

A text on the screen tells me to it is time to board a 'Bot, I think I must be close to the end of this level. Going back up and to the right I come to a room with a maze-like structure guarded by a robot.

Maybe the last puzzle of this level?

I saved my game first, then waited until the sentry bot is near the top to quickly sneak downwards to the next room. I came to a room that seemingly foretold my fate:

Will I ever finish this game?

When I tried to go up the new path on the right, the sentry prevented me from continuing, and thus I was stuck. Luckily I saved.

The sentry, although looked harmless from there, still prevented me from going further.

Reloading the save, I programmed the robot to go right and down, shotgunned the front seat with an outside view, and turned the robot on!

Making progress through the maze.

Next I rewired the robot to go up and to the right.

Up and away we go!

Thinking I should be far away enough from the sentry's range. I tried getting out of the robot to continue on foot, to conserve the robot's batteries. BIG mistake, the sentry yet again prevented me from going anywhere, and dropped me back there, inaccessible to my robot! And did I mention I forgot to save?

Sigh, time to reload last save.

Starting again from the beginning, I played the rest safely as before from inside the robot.

Almost there...

And again for the final section of the maze and I was out!

Finally got out of the sewer maze.

The game finally gave me some positive feedback given the all the hell I've been through thus far. I plugged the key into the slot, making sure to re-pickup and store the key for later use, and I continued to the right.

Now can I finish the first level?

So I finally arrived at the last room in level one. I double check I have everything before stepping in the portal to continue.

Inventory check, don't leave anything behind!

A text tells me I can take things with me if I hold on to it, so I grabbed item-stuffed robots and hopped in the portal. And with that, level one was completed, and I was out of the sewers.

YES!! A sense of accomplishment and uneasiness quickly ensues...

That about wraps it up for this play-through, and next time we begin at the start of the second level! Stay tuned.

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