Tips on Playing PUBG as Part of a Team

Player Unknown's Battlegrounds is a rather polarizing game. You either play the game, or others in the genre, a lot or hate it and don't understand the hoopla. I am in the first camp, I play PUBG Mobile a lot - mainly when I have a 10 to 15 minute period to kill (not long enough for a television show, too long to listen to the same old music). As I have been playing, I realized that I have developed a few tactics during that time. The result is this article detailing some of those strategies.


First, don't be a dick to your teammates. When playing as a member of a team and you are "following" one person down to the drop point, keep in mind there are others on your side. These are the only people in the game that cannot kill you with a weapon (they can run you over and knock you out with a vehicle though).

With that in mind, don't simply take every supply you come across. Call out on voice chat that you have supplies, guns, ammunition, whatever. That way others in your group can share in the resources. Later on in PUBG this may be the catalyst to them being alive and able to help save your butt.

If you are off by yourself in team mode and have the capacity, pick everything up and take it to a meeting point and drop it . This will help your team mates out immensely.

While playing a team match remember to cover your back as much as you cover your team mates. I have lost countless matches because I attempted to revive a downed team mate before clearing the area of the enemy that put them in that precarious position. Sometimes it was a sniper, other times it was a well hidden, and extremely close by, enemy just waiting.

Always clear the area before reviving a team mate. If they die before you have time to clear the area then that is simply the cost of the battle. Better to lose one team mate than two.

When travelling with a team and someone has a vehicle, use the vehicle, with at least one rider, as a scouting option. Draw out the enemy by driving around buildings and areas that might have enemies hiding in them.

It is harder to hit a moving target, especially if you are able to pinpoint their location and use the vehicle as a weapon. If too far from your group, let the rider finish off the enemy so their team mates cannot revive him.

While this is going on, remember, their team mates could be in the immediate area. This means they could revive a downed member, or offer some kind of retaliation, or simply hold their position until you, likely, exit the vehicle to gather supplies off the downed enemy.

Down one enemy, let the rider off to collect supplies while continuing to use the vehicle as a way of drawing out the enemy. Considering vehicles for the most part make a lot of noise, your enemies will be drawn to them if they want a kill in the game - or they might use the noise as a reason to leave the area and focus elsewhere.

When playing Arcade mode you can do a few other things to be a dick to the enemy. For one, when parachuting in, aim for the outer edges of the play area. It is harder for enemies to get behind you if you are close to that edge. removing a large area that you no longer have to watch.

In Arcade mode you will respawn after dying, so will the enemy. There is a timer underneath the map in the corner telling you the amount of time before a respawn occurs.

If you just wiped out a few enemies, run. Don't hange out in that area.


Because the enemy are likely to want revenge. So many players have killed me in Arcade mode only to sit there in that same area for some reason. I have scored many points off of players doing this, and I have also recovered 99% of the supplies I had when taken down, plus theirs.

There are no vehicles in Arcade mode so don't waste your time looking for them.

When you are dying in Arcade mode, don't be an easy target unless a respawn is about to occur. If you die with at least a second left on the clock till a respawn then you will be back in the game after a short parachute jump.

If you are about to die and are near the edge of the play area, crawl outside of the play area. This infuriates the enemy. They still get a point for killing you but now they have to think long and hard if they want to chance getting your supplies.

Outside the play area in Arcade mode kills you a lot quicker than when playing classic mode.

Have patience in Arcade mode. Find a good hiding spot and work the area. Run and gun tactics will only get you so far in any mode while playing PUBG. Be patient, wait and the enemy will surely come to you.

Be aware of your surroundings. Use obstacles when traveling. Trees, bushes, even buildings, can be great obstructions to move behind.

Speaking of buildings. Don't be afraid to lob a frag grenade into a building before entering. You never know who might be hiding in the closet or just inside the door. While it will give away your position to nearby enemies, it is a great tactic that could save your life.

Even nearby enemies have to travel to your position so use that time to quickly scour the building and get out. Don't wait around, be proactive if it is beneficial.

There are tons of strategies for games like PUBG, what are some of your favorites?

I play under the name "triverse" so if you see me, keep in mind, I may be using one of these strategies, or working new ones. Either way, say hi or shoot my character.

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