Contest! Win one of 10 copies of Nex Machina

Thanks to the good folk over at, I have 10 copies of Housemarque's Nex Machina to give away to you lucky Steemit users.

Currently retailing for $19.29 on GOG, Nex Machina is an intense twin-stick shooter with a strong throwback to the bullet-hell-style crazy arcade shooters of yore (it has been likened to Robotron and Smash TV, among others). Learn more about the game from Housemarque themselves right here and check out the launch trailer below:

Plus, Mikael Haveri, Head of Publishing at Housemarque was kind enough to give me some of his time to discuss Nex Machina and the studio's upcoming PS4 game, Matterfall - and this conversation will be the subject of my next Interesting People interview.

So, how do I win a copy of the game?

Simple - just leave a comment below describing your idea for a cool power-up, new weapon, special armour/shield, speed booster, or whatever else you think would be a great addition to a shooter such as this. Now, extra points are given for the truly inventive ideas that have a touch of humour to them too. Anyone can think of a triple-barrel laser or a flaming force-field. I want something entertaining!


  1. You can post as many entries as you like - just make an additional comment for each cool idea.
  2. Entries must be posted here by 12pm (midday) GMT on Sunday 30th July.
  3. I will be handing out the games via Discord, so be sure to have an account and be logged in to
  4. You have 24 hours from the end of the contest to claim the code from me (I use badastroza on Discord as well) and redeem your key via

And if this isn't enough, I'm also giving away 10 copies of Red Baron Pack courtesy of as part of my interview with Dynamix co-founder and Red Baron designer, Damon Slye. Hurry! Entries also close this Sunday.

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