LawBreakers - New Upcoming Competitive Team-Based FPS Game



In a alternate future, after the world suffered a cataclysmic catastrophe called "The Shattering" that changed gravity´s core law´s forever. The world recovered bringing with it new advancements in technology and science, enabling special supplements to be used to get out-of-this-world abilities.
During their recovery they also managed to develop ways to control the twisted gravity that existed in the world causing navigation and combat to be gravity-defying.

You will join one of two factions fighting to gain power/control over the world.

  • The LAW
    The LAW is a peacekeeping "police"-like factions, fighting to restore order and peace to the fractured world. The typical "good-guy" faction of the game.
    This game is overall more focused on gameplay then story.

    The BREAKERS are only focused on mayhem and disrupting the law. Namely to break the law is their motto. Basically they are a criminal syndicate with many smaller sub-gangs. As you will notice some of the Breakers will come from a organization called "life" while some will come from "the syndicate", these are the same team just different sub-gangs.



This is where LawBreakers will really shine. The gameplay is a traditional FPS game, but with a twist. When "The Shattering" caused the gravity to change, the world inhabitants solved this by creating advanced gravity-control equipment.
This enables the two factions to battle-out in a full gravity-defying vertical blood-fest.

All roles, or characters, will have different abilities and weapons, not limited to only damage abilities but also different ways to navigate using the twisted gravity. While some may fly high with a jet-pack capable of providing firepower in a 360degree, some other role may be able to do crazy jumps with rocket boots.

It is a multiplayer FPS competitive game, this is not a single player game in anyway. For those that are fans of Overwatch should defiantly check this out as the mechanics and gameplay are quite similar.

Key Features

  • Special designed game modes that are exclusive for LawBreakers.

  • New designed crazy gravity-defying combat with dangers flying from every vertical angle possible.

  • Pure competitive online game, not a single-player experience.

  • Many different roles with unique play styles. Find the one that suits you best.

  • LawBreakers, brought to you by the designer of the Gears of War series, Cliff Bleszinski.

  • Doesn't seem like a strong story game, probably fits hard-core gamers best.

  • Coming out for PC and PS4 on 8 August, 2017.


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