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The Top 5 Games of January 2017

I keep thinking that it’s still 2016, and January’s already passed us by. A full month worth of games released, so I think a Top 5 Games list is in order. So let’s go ahead and begin.

Starting us off is Double Dragon IV. It’s been a little while since a new title has been released for the series. And the developers are trying to appeal to the old school fans and make a game that’s designed as if it was being released in arcades in the late 80’s. Which for some fans is good and might be a stepping stone into making this franchise a little bit more popular.

If you’re anything like me then you’ve been waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3 to be released for nearly four years since it’s announcement back at E3 2013. The developers seem to know this and instead of releasing the game, keep coming out with games that take place in between the main series. But seeing as this is 2.8 that must mean that we’re getting close. And this game should be more than enough to satisfy the fans in the meantime. But the developers really need to get Kingdom Hearts III out already.

If you’re a fan of Dragon Quest and have a Nintendo 3DS it’s hard to not be excited for the release of Dragon Quest VIII to come to handhelds. The game was originally released on Playstation 2 back in 2004. But is considered by many to be a classic. This will make a great addition to any gaming collection. I love that we’re seeing re-releases of classic games like this or Zelda games. They really speak to players who’ve grown with a franchise.

This game was already released in Japan back in August of last year, and now the rest of the world can finally get their hands on this game. The latest game in The Tales franchise. And it’s coming in strong, most reviews of the game has been very positive. This RPG from Namco is sure to be a very popular title for the PS4 library.

And the winner is:

And at number 1, Resident Evil VII! No surprise here, the game has been a hit since it released last month, and people are still talking about this game. And now that it’s here in VR the series already immersive worlds, have just gotten even more immersive. This horror series is on the right track after the disappointing sixth installment released back in 2012. If you haven’t played this game and are wanting a good scare, pick up the game. You’ll thank me later.

Well, that wraps up our Top 5 Games of January. What did you think of our list? Was there something that you feel should’ve made the cut instead? Comment your thoughts below, and as always, until next time, keep gaming.

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