Top Free Games - League of Legends

On my page I mostly talk about games and most of those games are paid games, recently I was asked to talk about a few more free games as a lot of the time people don't want to pay for a game that they may not spend a lot of time on. So I decided I would start a new short series highlighting my favourite free games.

The games I will talk about will mostly be pretty big games that have a lot of game play to get through as there is a lot of free games out there however it can be quite hard to find a free game that actually has a lot of content. The game I will cover will also mostly be on Steam.

League of Legends

League of Legends is a multiplayer online 5vs5 battle arena game.

The game is set in the world of Rune terror, a world that has a large history of war with the main weapon of choice being magic. The wars waged are between many different tribes; Demacia, Freljorde, Piltover, Zawn, Noxus, Ionia, Bilgewater, Bandle city, Shurima and the Shaddow Isles. After many different wars involving all of the factions the magic used began to take its toll on the world and if the wars continued it could have a devastating effect on the world, however no faction was willing to lose their existing quarrel,

In an attempt to save Rune terror a higher order came together to try and solve the issues at hand, they eventually came up with the idea of creating a battle arena. The arena was designed for the factions to solve their disputes by each faction choosing one powerful warier to act as a champion on their behalf and thus the league of legends was born.


There are currently 134 champions in game;






Each Champion has seven base stats along with four unique abilities;


Health Regen

Attack Damage

Attack Speed


Magic Resist

Movement Speed

These are the main stats a champion has however there are further stats in game, however they are effected by other things. The champions abilities are set on the keys Q, W, E AND R the first three abilities are will all have a relatively low cooldown and can be upgraded five times usually you max one out first however it depends from champion to champion.

The R ability works slightly differently as it is your ultimate which means it is considerably stronger than your other abilities however because of this it has a considerably longer cooldown and it can only be upgraded three times.


In game there are five different roles; Top, Jungle, Mid, ADC and Support each of these roles has a different job and are spread out across the three lane map. Top lane will usually have a bruiser or a tank, Mid lane will usually have a mage or an assassin that deals a huge amount of damage quick, ADC goes in the bottom lane that is ranged and deals damage over time, Support has the job of protection the ADC and then the Jungler is there to help out all the lanes.


In game there are a huge amount of different items that are used to enhance your champion, the items are also made to fit with the different roles, each item will buff one or multiple of your champions stats.

Most items will also have a passive and/or active ability that will give you and your team mates buffs to help you throughout the game.


As a whole League of Legends is probably my favourite game out at the moment because every game you play will be slightly different, the game is also pretty addictive and once you get into it, it will be hard to stop playing. The game is also constantly being updated with patches coming out almost monthly, each patch brings small changes to the game to try to balance champions and items so they aren't to strong or weak.

Every few months there will also be a new champion released or an old champion will have a larger update which just makes the game a little more interesting.

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