Top 5 PS4 Free To Play Games

Hello everybody, today I bring a top 5 free to play PS4 games, in this top I chose those that I think are the best free to play games of ps4 however the list order is random since personally I think they are all excellent games .

5 - Paragon


Paragon is a game developed by Epic Games of the genre MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) this game implements the third person camera that popularized and made Smite new in its day.
Another outstanding aspect of the game are the graphics, the graphics that present us are undoubtedly the best that exist in its genre.


This game has Cross-play so it is possible that players with the version of PC can play together with users of PS4, this results in the community of players is bigger and you can play with your friends in case That they do not have the same platform.

Despite being a "new" game has a fairly broad repertoire of characters, with about thirty heroes with designs and skills quite impressive.
The only negative point of the game is that it is in beta so there are many things to balance, details to add.

4 - Paladins

This game that brings us Hi-Rez Studios raised controversy when being considered a copy of the successful game of Blizzard "Overwatch", but this is not completely true. Although the game has the classic Overwatch mode to push and defend the car, Paladins also has some interesting mechanics like the choice of cards to customize your character depending on the situation, the possibility of using a mount to move faster to The objectives and a lot of
charismatic characters.




For hardcore fans this Hack and Slash created by Grasshopper Manufacture will bring us the same moments of "healthy fun" that has brought us the Souls saga.
The game places us in the Barbs Tower, a tower that has emerged from nowhere in the midst of the apocalypse, on this journey we will be guided by Uncle Death
Our goal will be to overcome all the floors the tower opening up between hundreds of enemies, mini-bosses and fearsome final bosses.
The combat system is quite similar to that seen in games like Dark Souls and we have the possibility to improve our character through a level system.

2 - Smite


Smite is a third-person MOBA action game created and published by Hi-Rez Studios. This game became very popular since it broke the rules imposed by big of the sort like League of Legends to take the camera to us in third person. Just as the aforementioned Paragon is based on two teams, each consisting of five characters, faced on a battlefield in order to destroy the "core" enemy located at each of the bases. Each player is placed on the skin of A god of different mythologies Who has different powers and characteristics.

1 - Warframe


Space ninjas, swords and firearms Have you ever seen something so cool ?, if you have not already seen it in Warframe you will see it.
Warframe is a shooter in third person developed by Digital Extremes
In this game we will be in the skin of one of the 32 Warframes available in the game which are a kind of space warriors, each of them have unique abilities and focused on different ways of fulfilling the missions (Skills of fire, ice , Stealth or absorption of damage).


The game also has different types of weapons such as swords, axes, hammers, daggers, and etc, which like warframes can be purchased for free by playing the game or can also be purchased with real money.
The game has PvP modes in case you are one of those who just crush other players without any mercy.

Well friends this has been everything, if you have liked to leave your vote and share
until next time ;)

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