Video Game Motion Sickness Causes and Solutions

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Hello everyone, today I bring a very informative and interesting post that is about the dizziness and nausea that we feel when playing certain games in most cases of the type of shooter with the camera in first person.

There are games like Half-Life, counter strike etc., where the FOV (field of view) configuration that comes by default in the game causes us dizziness and nausea this is due to the field of vision.

Let's go the part and explain what is the fov in a video game and how to give solution this terrible evil that does not allow to enjoy those games so desired.

The FOV is the field of vision that has the player with the environment is to say greater fov (value) more real objects on screens.

The first person shooter game was Wolfestein 3D many players were delighted with this game as it implemented a unique game experience in the first person but not everyone could play this game as innovative as there were people suffering from motion sickness Motion sickness or also known in the community gamer Motion Sickness this disease is the disorder due to the movement that we suffer in some means of transport like automobiles, boats among others. Its main symptoms are vomiting, nausea, lack of balance, caused by repetitive linear and angular acceleration and deceleration.

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The dizziness or nausea in the video game are generated by the visual field that by default has the camera configured in the game with respect to the movement of our character ie at a smaller fov, more effort will cost us to perceive what happens in our environment, when the Fov is greater than 90º or less than 70º we begin to suffer these symptoms it is possible to emphasize that there are people who are totally immune to these problems.

Luckily most games allow you to configure the fov, here's an example:

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Those who have problems of the Fov play with this configuration of 65 is impossible to play because you end up with many dizziness and nausea.


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In this photo it shows the game with the fov in 80 that for me is excellent since you can enjoy the game in its entirety without any problem.

Example video of different fov settings.


Guys I hope you have been useful this post to try to play those games that you could not before because of the fov (you can usually configure it in the game console).

More fov information in video games.

Motion sickness.

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